Join us on Wednesday, January 22nd, to celebrate the historic inauguration of President Donald J. Trump!
2024 History
July Speakers
Carrie Kennedy is running to represent Legislative District 10 in Olympia. She and her husband, Lloyd Potter, display their conservative beliefs by their everyday behavior. Carrie walks and talks her conservative values. To know Carrie is to know in your heart she’s a fighter for freedom, liberty, and our American Constitutional way of life. Carrie has a broad knowledge of the issues that today are facing her district, our county, as well as our country.
Jackie Huey, candidate for state Representative, Position 2 of the 39th LD, is a wife, mother and grandmother. Born and raised in Seattle and married for 49 years, she has been active through the years in her church, in business and in politics. She has held many positions of leadership, with a calling to help others. She moved to Snohomish County in 2021 and has served as PCO for Airpark precinct. Jackie emphasizes the need for voters to have a choice and is concerned about some of the votes made by the LD’s current representatives.
Lisa Rezac, born and raised in Edmonds, is excited to run for Position 1, of the 32nd Legislative District, next to her hometown. After graduating from the University of Washington with a degree in Political Science, she moved to New York City, where she gained experience in leadership and development training, as well as a passion for service. In 2007, Lisa returned to Seattle to be closer to family. Following a career specialized in Team Building, and, since 2020, Lisa has been active in grassroots politics. She is determined to address the current state of chaos and divisiveness by bringing her relationship-building skills to her role as a State Representative. She is challenging the incumbent, Cindy Ryu, in the upcoming primary election on August 6, 2024.
June Speakers
Dr. Andy Marrone is dedicated to helping you achieve your optimum health using his combined approach of traditional or low force chiropractic, nutrition, exercise, and supplementation. His extensive experience in researching medical studies and knowledge on potential changes in our health care will be shared.
Robert Sutherland is a former State Representative for Legislative District 39 who is running again for that position. He strongly supports both the Washington State and US Constitutions with the following priorities: law enforcement and the rule of law; property rights; safe and efficient roadways; lower taxes and tolls for travel; parental rights; education freedom; election reform; medical freedom; and the reduction or elimination of car tab fees. Robert will share his campaign platform and plans for re-election.
Leif Johnson, Candidate for Washington State Congressional District 2, is committed to representing the values and aspirations of the people. With a genuine passion for public service and a deep understanding of the challenges our community faces, he is ready to advocate for positive change and work tirelessly on your behalf.
May Speakers
Pregnancy Resource Clinic CEO, Malora Forrey
Rebecca Rosenthal: TACTICAL CIVICS™, founded by Rebecca Rosenthal. Tactical Civics is about We the People finally enforcing the magnificent Law that our forefathers left us. And, unlike politics, Tactical Civics needs only half of 1% of the People to take responsibility.
Sharon Hanek is an accountant, community volunteer, wife, and mother who became active in the political arena when she became involved in education issues. Her “mother bear” instincts brought her into the political arena where she became known as “Research Mom”. Sharon is currently the Washington Federation of Republican Women (WFRW) Treasurer. She will discuss two initiatives: Initiative 2081, concerning parental rights relating to their children's education and the Washington Scholarships for Homeschool and Private School Expenses Initiative which may appear on the ballot in Washington on November 5, 2024, as an Initiative to the People, a type of initiated state statute. This initiative would establish a scholarship program for elementary and secondary homeschool and private school expenses.
April Speaker
Glen Morgan, Founder of We The Governed!
Glen Morgan founded We the Governed in 2016, and the Left has hated him ever since. He is currently the volunteer Executive Director for the Citizens Alliance for Property Rights. Glen Morgan was the Grassroots Director and the Property Rights Director at the Freedom Foundation 2011-2015. He enjoys creating videos documenting Big Government’s abuses of citizens – particularly on property rights issues. Read more about Glen, here: https://www.wethegoverned.com/glen-morgan-short-bio/
Along with Glen, candidates will be stopping by for a brief introduction.
March Speakers:
Washington State Republican Party Chair, Jim Walsh

Also represents Legislative District 19, Position 1 in the state House. He was elected in 2016 by a district that covers areas along the southwestern coast, including Aberdeen, Westport, Longview and Long Beach.
Gubernatorial Candidate, Semi Bird, will give a campaign update